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Vaisala industrial measurement instruments provide data to improve resource efficiency and optimize processes. Vaisala’s catalog of measurement instruments includes products for measuring Humidity, Dew Point, Carbon Dioxide, Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide, Moisture in Oil (MIO), Methane, Pressure and Temperature, and more.

Vaisala’s modular, customizable Indigo Family instrument platform is designed to improve process measurements with accuracy and long-term stability. Indigo devices include transmitters, interchangeable smart probes that measure various parameters, and software for easy interfacing and monitoring of data. Any Indigo[DA1]  probe connects with any of the Indigo transmitters, or can be integrated into other systems. The Indigo family is used to measure humidity, temperature, dew point, moisture in oil, carbon dioxide, barometric pressure, or vaporized hydrogen peroxide. The probes deliver repeatable measurement with high resolution, providing reliable data for long term decision making.


Humidity Measurement Products

Humidity is water in the form of an invisible gas, and it can be measured and defined with different parameters. Industrial manufacturing must control humidity to achieve efficient processes and satisfactory end product quality.

Some Vaisala instruments measure relative humidity (RH), which is a measure of the water vapor content of air. Relative humidity at a given temperature indicates the present state relative to maximum humidity.Humidity control is also critical in many spaces that can be considered hazardous, such as locations where flammable or explosive materials like fuels, chemicals, explosives are being stored. Potentially explosive atmospheres require specially designed and approved instruments for safe operation, so Vaisala designs instruments such as the HMT370EX Humidity and Temperature Transmitter for these spaces.

Vaisala’s high-quality measurement instruments offer important benefits:

  • Energy-savings, particularly in drying applications where accurate humidity measurement enables energy and cost savings by avoiding over-drying and over-heating the air.
  • Product quality, where precise humidity data enables production process optimization and ensures end product humidity to improve shelf life or stability.
  • Safety & well-being, by optimizing air for breathing and for avoiding the formation of mold.

HMT120/130 Humidity and Temperature Transmitters are meant for cleanrooms, museums, laboratories and data centers.

GMW90 Series wall mounted Carbon Dioxide, Temperature and Humidity Transmitters are suited for green building projects and demand controlled ventilation (DCV).

HMW90 Humidity and Temperature Transmitter Series are used in indoor environments, where high accuracy, stability, and reliable operation are required such as museums archives, production facilities, warehouses, data centers, laboratories, and testing environments.

HMD60 Duct Humidity and Temperature Transmitter is a sturdy and reliable duct mounted transmitter for monitoring relative humidity in demanding HVAC and light industrial applications.

HMP4 HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probe is used for high-pressure applications where measurement performance and chemical tolerance are essential, such as such as compressed air systems in maritime, breathing air, and industrial applications.

HMP5 HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probe is ideal for high temperature applications where measurement performance and chemical tolerance are necessary, including baking ovens, pasta dryers, ceramics and industrial drying kilns.

HMP7 HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probe is designed for applications that involve either rapid changes in humidity or constant high humidity.

HMP8 HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probe is used for pressurized applications where easy insertion and removal of the probe and adjustable installation depth into the pipeline are needed, including compressed air systems, refrigerant dryers, and other pressurized industrial applications.

Dew Point Measurement Products

Vaisala solutions are used to measure dew point temperature, meaning the temperature that air needs to be cooled to in order for water to reach condensation into dew or frost.

Condensation in pressurized air can cause problems such as pipe blockages, machinery breakdowns, freezing, and contamination. Dew point measurements are necessary when controlling air in dry processes, with a relative humidity target normally below 10 %.

Indigo500 series transmitters are host devices for Vaisala Indigo-compatible, stand-alone smart probes. Indigo500 transmitters are offered with touchscreen displays for local data visualization. Models include the multi-functional Indigo520 transmitter and the basic Indigo510 transmitter.

DMP6 DRYCAP® Dew Point and Temperature Probe is designed for in-line humidity measurement in industrial drying applications with very high temperatures and a wide dew point range.

DMP7 DRYCAP® Dew Point and Temperature Probe is made for tight spaces and low-humidity applications.

DMP8 Dew Point and Temperature Probe is designed for industrial low-humidity applications with pressure up to 40 bars.

DMT152 DRYCAP® Dewpoint Transmitter is suited for measuring low dew point in OEM applications, even down to -80°C.

DMT143 & DMT143L (Long) Miniature Dew Point Transmitters are miniature size dew point transmitters that measure dew point accurately in small compressed air dryers, plastic dryers, additive manufacturing and other OEM applications.

DPT146 Dew Point and Pressure Transmitter for compressed air measurement detects dew point while measuring process pressure simultaneously.

DMT132 Dewpoint Transmitter for Refrigerant Dryers offers an affordable way to measure dew point to verify refrigerant dryer functionality.

DMT152 Dew Point Transmitter is designed to measure low dew point down to -80°C in OEM applications.

Indigo300 transmitters are host devices for Vaisala Indigo-compatible, stand-alone smart probes.

Indigo80 Handheld Indicator is a compact indicator and data logger for portable measurements with Indigo-compatible probes.

DMP80 DRYCAP® Handheld Dew Point and Temperature Probes are ideal for spot-checking applications and field calibration with accurate measurements for industrial dew point applications.

Carbon Dioxide Measurement Products

Vaisala specializes in Infrared (IR) sensing for carbon dioxide measurement. All Vaisala CO2 sensors use a single-beam and dual-wavelength NDIR (Non-dispersive infrared) technology for measuring CO2. This patented CARBOCAP® technology incorporates a unique tunable band pass filter.

Indigo500 series transmitters are host devices for Vaisala Indigo-compatible, stand-alone smart probes.

Indigo200 Series Transmitters are host devices for displaying measurement values from Vaisala smart probes: Smart Humidity, Temperature, Dew Point, Moisture in Oil, CO2 and H2O2 Probes.

MGP241 Multi-gas CO2 instrument for CCUS is the smartest solution for heavy-duty CO2 measurement, from carbon capture to general industrial use.

GMP231 CARBOCAP® Carbon Dioxide Probe is a CO2 meter for incubator manufacturers needing a reliable incubator CO2 sensor with accurate carbon dioxide measurements and sterilization durability at high temperatures.

GMP251 CARBOCAP® Carbon Dioxide Probe is an intelligent, stand-alone, %-level probe for stable and accurate CO2 measurements.

GMP252 CARBOCAP® Carbon Dioxide Probe is an intelligent, stand-alone, ppm-level probe for measuring CO2 in agriculture, refrigeration, greenhouses, demanding HVAC applications, and for plant growth chamber manufacturers.

GMP343 CARBOCAP® Carbon Dioxide Probe is an accurate and rugged probe-type instrument for ecological measurements.

GMP343 CARBOCAP® Carbon Dioxide Probe is an accurate and rugged probe-type instrument for ecological measurements.

GMW80 CO2, Humidity and Temperature Transmitter Series measures carbon dioxide, which is the most economical way to monitor both indoor air quality (IAQ) and human presence with one sensor.

GMW90 Series Carbon Dioxide, Temperature and Humidity Transmitters are wall mounted and especially suited for green building projects and DCV.

GMW90 Series wall-mounted CARBOCAP® Carbon Dioxide, Temperature and Humidity Transmitters are especially suited for green building projects and demand-controlled ventilation.

Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide Measurement Products

Vaisala offers solutions for vH2O2 bio-decontamination measurement, monitoring and control to ensure that vaporized hydrogen peroxide is a safe, environmentally friendly way to bio-decontaminate isolators, hospital rooms, transfer hatches and more. Measuring vaporized H2O2 concentration levels and other parameters provides in-process control and ensures process conditions have been achieved.

HPP270 PEROXCAP® Hydrogen Peroxide, Humidity, and Temperature probes offer repeatable, stable, and accurate measurement for a variety of applications such as isolator, material transfer hatch, and room bio-decontamination.

Indigo500 Series Transmitters function as host devices for Vaisala Indigo-compatible, stand-alone smart probes.

Indigo200 Series Transmitters function as host devices for displaying measurement values from Vaisala's Smart Humidity, Temperature, Dew Point, Moisture in Oil, CO2 and H2O2 Probes.

Indigo80 handheld measurement device is a compact, handheld indicator and data logger.

Moisture in Oil Measurement Products

Vaisala offers equipment to measure moisture in oil. Vaisala’s uniquely robust HUMICAP® sensors were the first ever capacitive sensors used to measure moisture in oil online. The sensors were developed to measure even very low moisture levels in oils — mineral, vegetable and synthetic.

MMP8 Moisture in oil probe, a smart and robust probe powered by the Vaisala HUMICAP® sensor technology.

MMT162 Compact Moisture in Oil and Temperature Transmitter, an economical solution for reliable on-line detection of moisture in oil even in demanding applications.

MM70 Handheld Moisture and Temperature Meter for reliably spot-checking moisture in oil to prevent problems in lubrication systems.

MMT310 HUMICAP® Moisture and Temperature Transmitter Series is a reliable and speedy on-line detector for moisture in oil.

HMT370EX Intrinsically Safe Humidity and Temperature Transmitter Series is designed to monitor relative humidity, temperature and other parameters in hazardous areas.

Methane Measurement Products

Vaisala provides measurement instruments for odorless and colorless methane (CH4) gas, which has industrial uses including heat, electricity or biofuel. Methane is measured in applications such as biogas plants, landfills, and wastewater treatment.

MGP261 CARBOCAP® Multigas Probe for Methane, Carbon Dioxide and Humidity is a compact in situ instrument that improves processes and protects the Combined Heat and Power (CHP) engine.

MGP262 CARBOCAP® continuously measures the methane concentration in offgas from biogas upgrading units.

OPT100 Optimus™ is a maintenance-free multi-gas DGA monitor that runs on all ester liquids and mineral oils.

Pressure and Temperature

Measuring temperature and pressure are vital to both weather observations and many industrial applications.

Vaisala offers devices that use different kinds of temperature sensors to fit various industrial application needs. The most commonly used sensors thermocouples, semi-conductor-based sensors, negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistors, and resistance temperature detectors (RTD). For many critical and regulated industrial applications, a device equipped with an RTD is preferred as the most accurate and stable temperature sensor. 

Vaisala also produces devices for measuring both barometric pressure and process pressure in industrial applications, including both digital barometers and barometric pressure sensors.  BAROCAP®  barometers are even in highly demanding applications like meteorology and aviation, and they are designed to function over a wide temperature range. For an all-in-one approach, Vaisala’s product offerings include multi-parameter products that combine pressure measurements with dew point, humidity and temperature data.

Temperature Measuring Devices

HPP270 Series Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide, Humidity and Temperature Measurement

Indigo500 Series Transmitters

Indigo200 Series Transmitters for Vaisala smart probes

WXT530 Weather Transmitter Series economically measures air pressure, temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind speed, and wind direction data

viewLinc Continuous Monitoring System (CMS) for Controlled Environments and GxP Applications to monitor temperature, humidity & universal input data loggers

MMP8 Moisture in oil probe, normal and long

MMT330 Moisture and Temperature Transmitter Series for Oil

MMT310 Series Moisture and Temperature Transmitters for Oil

DMP5 DRYCAP®  Dew Point and Temperature Probe

DMP7 DRYCAP® Dew Point and Temperature Probe

DMP8 Dew Point and Temperature Probe

DMT132 Dewpoint Transmitter for Refrigerant Dryers

DMT143 & DMT143L (Long) Miniature Dew Point Transmitters

HMT370EX Intrinsically Safe Humidity and Temperature Transmitter Series

HMT310 HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Transmitter Series

TMP1 Temperature Probe is designed for demanding temperature measurements in industrial applications such as pharmaceutical industry and calibration laboratories, where accuracy and robustness are essential.

HMP113 HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probe, an accurate and cost-effective humidity probe with a plastic enclosure

HMM170 HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Module, an open frame transmitter for integration into environmental chambers in demanding conditions including vacuum or high pressure.

HMD60 HUMICAP® Duct Humidity and Temperature Transmitter for monitoring relative humidity in demanding HVAC and light industrial applications

HMP3 HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probe, a general-purpose probe for moderate humidity and temperature processes

HMP7 HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probe for applications with constant high humidity or rapid humidity changes

HMP60 Humidity and Temperature Probe for volume applications, integration into other manufacturers' equipment, incubators, glove boxes, greenhouses, fermentation chambers and data loggers

HMP9 HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probe for easy installation in rapidly changing environments

HMP1 HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probe for measuring ambient measurement in indoor spaces

HMP4 HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probe for high-pressure applications where measurement performance and chemical tolerance are essential

HMP5 HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probe for high temperature applications where measurement performance and chemical tolerance are essential.

HMP8 HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probe for pressurized applications where easy insertion and removal of the probe and adjustable installation depth into the pipeline are needed

Pressure Measurement Devices

PTB330 Digital Barometer for highly accurate barometric pressure readings with low hysteresis and long-term stability in challenging conditions

WXT530 Weather Transmitter Series

PTB330TS Barometric Pressure Transfer Standard for a portable unit combining a PTB330 digital barometer with a hand-held MI70 indicator

DL2000 Temperature and humidity data logger for superior accuracy and stable measurement

vNet Power over Ethernet (PoE) Logger Interface network connectivity cradle that connecting DL-series data loggers to an Ethernet

PTB210 Digital Barometer for outdoor installations, accommodating  a wide temperature range and providing IP65 (NEMA4) compliant protection against sprayed water.

Indigo520 transmitter with a barometric pressure measurement module combined with one or two of the Indigo-compatible humidity and temperature measurement probes (TMP1, HMP1, HMP3, HMP7 and HMP9) in a single industrial device

PDT102 Differential Pressure Transmitter for life science and high technology cleanroom applications, with MEMS silicon sensor technology for superior accuracy, sensitivity, stability and durability

DPT146 Dew Point and Pressure Transmitter for monitoring compressed air combines a dew point detector with the ability to measure pressure simultaneously

SPH10/20 Static Pressure Heads to filter out measurement variations due to strong winds

DSS70A DRYCAP® Portable Sampling System and sampling cells for a compact solution to field check dew point

PTB110 BAROCAP® Barometer both for general environmental pressure monitoring over a wide temperature range and for room temperature barometric pressure measurements

 [DA1]Indigo probes only work with the Indigo transmitters

  • Automotive
  • Battery Manufacturing
  • Bio-decontamination
  • Biogas production
  • Carbon Capture, Utilization & Storage
  • Chemical industry solutions
  • Cleanroom Environmental Monitoring
  • Compressed air measurement
  • Data centers
  • Food, beverage, and agriculture
  • Fuel cells
  • Glass Manufacturing
  • HVAC & Indoor air quality (IAQ)
  • Life science & pharmaceutical
  • Metal heat treatment furnaces
  • Metrology
  • Oil & gas refining & petrochemicals
  • Power industry solutions
  • Pulp, paper, and wood
  • Semiconductor
  • Smart Drying
  • Sugar milling and refining
  • Starch sweeteners and sugar substitutes
  • Warehouse measurement and monitoring
  • Water electrolysis