- Details
- Industry / Applications
- Steam Services Offered
SEEwater utilizes patented technology in the design and manufacture of pump control systemsProduct lines: Oil Smart Sump Controls, Simplex and Duplex Pump Controls, Level Switches.
Elevators & EscalatorsUtilitiesLift StationsOEM SolutionsCommercialSewage Pump ChambersSump Pump BasinsGeneral DewateringIndustrial sumpsHolding tanks
Whether it is for Industrial heating or cooling, Commercial HVAC, Domestic Hot Water, Humidification, Equipment Washdown, or Water Pressure Boosting, Carotek offers the expertise, products, and services to assess your needs and provide cost effective solutions. We have partnered with industry leading manufacturers such as Armstrong International, Grundfos, Shannon Global Energy, Intellihot, and others to bring you the best product and service results.
We offer
- Decarbonization Roadmaps
- Energy Audits
- Thermal Utility Assessments
- Detailed Thermal Design Engineering
- Steam Trap Surveys
- Steam Trap & Hot Water Monitoring
- Steam System Management (Steam as a Service)
- Thermal System Training - both online and in person
Review these services and contact us for more information.